December 07, 2005

This is what happens....

At 1:31 pm an American Airlines flight landed in Miami International Airport coming from Medellin, Colombia. A passenger shouted "I have a bomb". Unfortunately for this man, fortunately for everyone else, there was U.S. marshals on board. The marshals confronted the man and as he refused to give in, they shot him to death. Anyways, you can read more on the story on any news source. The important thing to consider that will affect all of the Colombians is that the reputation will cuase people to judge the whole situation. What will happen is the media and the people will propagate the message that obviously this happened because the plane was coming from Colombia and will make connections between the country and terrorism. Unfortunately, the only thing this accomplishes is to make our reputation worse. This, will also cause side effects such as destroying any increase in tourism to the country for example. The story is still developing and it is interesting to see how with few information, false assumptions are made and at the end it ends up happening that they are proven wrong. What do you think about this? to comment on this issue click below.


Blogger Benjamin Alexandrovich Guez said...

In my opinion this is fortunate for people like myself (gringo tourist who doesn't like seeing other gringos), and for the country which doesn't need anymore brave gringo businessmen venturing in and furthering gringo imperialism in the country. I wouldn't worry about the reputation too much.

2:55 PM  
Blogger Benjamin Alexandrovich Guez said...

like i said, wouldn't worry about reputation, since the article doesn't have any connection between "terrorists" intent on making their case in the US and Colombia:

AP Wire: "Homeland Security department spokesman Brian Doyle said the dead passenger was a 44-year-old U.S. citizen.

I A witness said that the man frantically ran down the aisle of the Boeing 757 and that a woman with him said he was mentally ill."

2:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the security on the flight reacted very well and took the correct measures, and I also think that it is stupid of people to judge the country and people of Colombia because of this one incident that could have happened anywhere, especially if the man was a U.S. citizen.

4:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I understand when you say people will judge the country by these types of incidents, because unfortunately in our society people act on instict and don't bother gathering all of the facts. Instead, the initially think, Colombia, drugs, terrorism, bad in general, and are hard pressed to keep that opinion. This is the best way to enlighten people though, to talk about it and let them know all of the facts, you are helping to open people's minds and thats all anyone can really do.

4:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I doubt it'll affect ur country in any way. peace

8:09 PM  

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